Kids Summer Adventure

Kids Summer Adventure 2024

Sometimes life is a day at the beach, but it isn’t always smooth sailing. Storms will come as sure as they do on the open seas. Will you shipwreck? Jesus offers a faith that can weather any storm.

This year at High Rock Church’s Kids Summer Adventure, kids will learn how faith in Jesus will hold us firm, like an immovable anchor. In this world, we will have trouble. But we can take heart because Jesus has overcome the world. Through the storms of life, kids can know the One who made the wind and waves and can also calm them with a word. A Captain who willingly went down with the ship to save his crew. The God who is strong and trustworthy. Our Anchor.

Come on this wild sea-faring ride with us! Along the way we will have an absolute blast with energetic games, creative crafts, a live band, engaging Bible lessons, memorable skits, and more. KSA is open to those ages four through fifth grade. Register for this free event now!